
Counselling for parents to support their children's learning


Guidance for parents on how to provide optimal learning support to motivate learning without pressure.


  • Personal attitude towards learning, supportive feedback, making the home environment more learning-friendly, motivation tips
  • Guidance for concrete, everyday support: promotion of reading, writing and maths


  • Consulting by Dr. Esther Ziegler
  • It is recommended to provide 1-2 pages describing the problem and questions to be discussed
  • Price: Fr. 160.- per hour


Learning Level Diagnosis


Assessment to check the level of learning and cognitive performance, to identify gaps in basic knowledge and to determine support needs.


  • Assessment:  1 - 2 hours
    • Assessment of basic knowledge
      • German: writing, reading, grammar
      • Mathematics: Basic skills according to age group
      • French: vocabulary, comprehension, grammar
    • Cognitive capacity
      • Reasoning, memory, concentration
    • Learning receptivity
      • Learning under guidance (Choice of: maths, German, french)

  • Final meeting with parents:  1 hour
    • Result learning level diagnosis
    • Strategic plan for the promotion of the child
    • Show possibilities how parents can help themselves


  • Assessment by Dr. Esther Ziegler
  • Written summary of learning status and development plan within 3 days
  • Price: Fr. 160.- per hour



LernConsulting GmbH
Lehr- und Lernberatung

Dr. sc. ETH Esther Ziegler

Sonneggstrasse 4, 8006 Zürich
Tel.: +41 78 330 33 63

ETH Spin off Logo horizontal positiv









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