Dr. sc. ETH Esther Ziegler


Esther 1


Teaching and learning have accompanied me through my entire life (curriculum vitae De /En)

All offers are available in the following languages: German, French and English (individual offers as well in Italian)


  • Doctorate and Postdoctorate in Research on Learning & Instruction – ETH Zurich (Dr. sc., 2011)
  • Studies in Psychology, Child & Adolescent Psychopathology and Education – University of Zurich (Lic. Phil./Master, 2007)
  • Violin Studies – Zurich University of Music (Diploma/Master, 2000)
  • Primary school teacher – Zurich University of Education (Diploma/Bachelor, 1992)


Research activities


Scientific Advisor


LernConsulting GmbH
Lehr- und Lernberatung

Dr. sc. ETH Esther Ziegler

Sonneggstrasse 4, 8006 Zürich
Tel.: +41 78 330 33 63

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